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Electronic Privacy knowledge
Personal Electronic & Digital Privacy in our modern Age:
Knowledge and Empowerment.
Some governments,
corporations and people casually attempt to undermine
our rights by trying to prohibit us the right of anonymity under pretense of
social engineered sentence of our modern society:
"If you have nothing to hide, surveillance won't bother you."
One may argue that surveillance
devices and cameras are ubiquitous and widespread, they track our
credit cards, our mobile devices and all of that...How can you expect privacy in this "Brave New World" that we live in?
The answer is: You Can't; but that doesn't mean that you need to carry
around a device that is designed with security flaws that allow the NSA
and other entities
to use it as a surveillance device against you, at your own expense.
Right now: you have the option to pay cash, to leave your cell phone and
mobile device at home, and go someplace where there are no surveillance
The point here is:
Don't contribute to "Big Brother" AKA The Surveillance State, by using
your own money to purchase and use a device that is poorly designed when
it comes to personal privacy. The NSA and other agencies will still
track you passively, so far and as deep as their budget and
infrastructure allows them. "The Surveillance State" can not afford to
put microphones and cameras everywhere you go; but they can quite
easily, and quite inexpensively spy on you, and all the people around
you through the "shiny, happy, little devices" that you voluntarily
carry nearly everywhere with you, almost every single day of your adult
life. Your cell phone has "Big Brother" on the "other end" 24-7-365
don't ever forget that!
Tesla Motor vehicles: The top upcoming threat to
electronic privacy due to built in,
non-removable, always on, wireless internet connectivity.

All of Tesla's vehicles
contain an always on internet connection that can not be physically
removed from the vehicle.
Sources close to Tesla
claim this permanent internet connectivity: which allows for real-time,
detailed surveillance
of the vehicle, is for driver safety, and to ensure that the vehicle is
functioning properly at all times.
We see this as the
#1 upcoming threat to privacy in the 21st. century.
As one can expect; other auto manufacturers will eventually
follow Tesla's lead and there will come a day soon when
purchasing a vehicle without built in internet connectivity will be
impossible. Don't expect the United States Government
to enact legislation anytime soon to prevent this. Instead, vote with
your wallet and purchase vehicles and other electronic
devices that are
designed in a manner consistent with individual safety and privacy.
Don't just accept the loss of your privacy to the invasive devices being
built into vehicles by
manufacturers. Many times, manufacturers are just following
perceived consumer trends like the
perception that consumers
desire the latest gadgets sacrificing privacy for "new toys". Other
times they build these
unwanted gadgets into their vehicles, because their competitors are doing
it; and they don't want to be left behind
You can change this trend if you voice your concerns when purchasing a
new car.
Pictures detailing removal of Vehicle Bluetooth® components by new car
dealer at customer's request.

Bluetooth components removed free by dealer at request of
customer for privacy reasons
An acquaintance of ours (we wish to respect their privacy so we will
refer to them here as "Pat") was recently shopping for a new car. Pat
wanted to do something that was environmentally responsible and purchase
an Electric car. There has been a lot of Hype regarding Tesla's new
cars; so Pat decided to start the shopping there.
Pat recently heard that Tesla motors was building a non-removable
internet connection into their new vehicles. apparently they are making
it appear to the general public that the built in, non-removable, always
on internet connection is for "safety" so that the vehicles' systems can
be monitored in real time to ensure their safe functioning. We don't buy
it, and we don't think you should buy it either. (figuratively or
While its true that you can't do much about the NSA surveillance or
malicious hackers while using internet connected devices, you can lower
your exposure by employing common sense, and purchasing products that
are well designed from a security standpoint.
A device that has non removable internet connectivity, does not reduce
your exposure, it obviously increases it and should be avoided at all
We had several lengthy online discussions in various online venues:
and lastly one on Tesla's online web forum:
Where we discussed this issue with some individuals who appeared to have
a very high level of knowledge about Tesla motors products and design.
We suspect some of these individuals were employees of Tesla, but due to
the nature of online conversation; there is no easy way for us (lacking
the NSA's capabilities) to prove it.
These individuals on Tesla's web forum convinced Pat to look elsewhere
for a new car, mostly ridiculing Pat's concerns about the built in,
always on internet connection in Tesla vehicles. So look for another
vehicle manufacturer is exactly what Pat did.
After some more searching on the web, Pat discovered that Honda has
several alternative energy vehicles.
Honda is an established automobile manufacturer, with an enormous amount
of experience in building and servicing automobiles.
Pat had previously owned a Honda, had no problems with it after several
years of ownership, and therefore decided to purchase another one, and
ignored all of the recent hype over Tesla motors.
The only problem was that the Honda that Pat wanted to buy, had a built
in Bluetooth® connection; while this is not as bad as having a built in
internet connection; it still bothered Pat, because of the built in
microphone capable of recording a whisper and the ability to transmit
that whisper via a short range digital radio signal at 2.4 to 2.485 GHz
(which by the way; is higher than the radio frequency used in a
Microwave Oven).
Reluctantly, Pat finally went to the local Honda dealership to get an
"in person" look at the vehicles that Honda offers; not expecting to
purchase a vehicle that same day, but still open to the idea.
Pat expressed these concerns with the very helpful Honda sales staff,
who said that removing the Bluetooth® module and microphone from any
Honda vehicle Pat intended to purchase was not a problem, and in fact
their Honda Service Department had done so before for other customers.
Furthermore, the Honda dealership would remove the Bluetooth® module and
microphone for Free!! This work order also specified that Pat could
witness its removal.
Still skeptical; Pat, BEFORE signing any financing & sales contracts,
insisted on signing a work order contract for the free removal of the
Bluetooth® module and microphone. The Honda dealership performed this
service promptly after the vehicle was purchased, even allowed Pat's
friend to witness (but not video tape) the removal of the Bluetooth®
module and microphone. The whole removal process took one Honda
technician about 1 hour to perform with basic, non specialized hand
tools such as screwdrivers, open end wrenches, and socket wrench.
We applaud Honda Motor Corporation for the respect for their customers'
privacy, the attention to detail exhibited by their sales and service
staff, and the superior quality and reliability of their automobiles.
Here is an interesting article from the New York Times that explains how
the NSA pressures U.S. based companies into sharing their encryption
keys, and building "back doors" into computer hardware and software.
This makes us wonder if Tesla Motors and it's CEO Elon Musk have been
asked by the NSA to cooperate with these surveillance programs. It's
certainly plausible, considering the other documented cases reported by
U.S. based technology companies:
More interesting info:
the NSA's guidelines for it's own employees' use of Bluetooth® devices
Director of National Intelligence, James R. Clapper Says There Are
Positives Coming Out of Snowden Case
2/4/2014 Update:
More evidence that massive NSA surveillance programs targeting
innocent citizens does very little for national security:
Spy Caught En Route to Iran with Highly Classified U.S. Military
This was obviously a guy who SHOULD have been under NSA
surveillance, but apparently the NSA was too
busy collecting info on Millions of us; Innocent American
How did this guy get a Security Clearance?....dumb-asses!
Bluetooth® already used for passive tracking and surveillance on U.S.
roads without notifying the general public.
Its not just cars and phones that are making privacy an "Endangered
Species", now it's wearable devices: http://stopthecyborgs.org/
It's pretty obvious that:
Media has become an intelligence gathering tool, especially after
Facebook's former security head Max Kelly, goes on to get a job with the
1/15/2014 Update to Tesla Privacy & Safety Concerns:
This recent news about Tesla Motors applying an "Over-the-Air"
software fix, further proves our point about Tesla vehicles
being potentially susceptible to malicious internet borne
Whatever encryption that Tesla claims "protects" it's vehicles
from malicious hacking via the internet, does not diminish the
facts here:
If the Tesla Vehicle can be prevented from operating in a
dangerous or life threatening manner by the mere application of
an online "software upgrade", then it is logically confirmed:
The vehicle is vulnerable to being made to operate in a
dangerous or life threatening manner by the mere application of
internet borne malicious code (a computer virus downloaded from
the internet).
It should be abundantly clear to any intelligent person: It is
not a question of "IF" Telsa vehicles can be hacked, it is only
a question of "WHEN".
Please note Mr. Musk: We are not against electric cars, or
viable alternative energy. We are against your vehicles because
of their built in internet connection that can not be removed or
shut off. If you want to change something for the better, and
improve the lives of us "common folk": devote a few million
dollars to researching, developing, and deploying a Hydrogen /
Electric Hybrid energy storage system for automobiles. With the
intention of eliminating our dependence on "Big Oil" and other
centralized, corporate dominated means of energy production.
Oh... and leave out the internet connection in all your
vehicles... Peace, Bro!
Interesting story about:
hackers able to gain control over modern vehicles, especially those with
internet connectivity and automatic parallel parking
See a trend here? The more automated and computerized we make any
device, the more vulnerable to hacking and surveillance it becomes.
We as consumers of these digital products need to think long and hard
about the privacy and safety implications of owning all these shiny new
gadgets. We need to balance our enthusiasm for new technology with
pragmatism. We need to ask ourselves: Is this new feature or technology
worth sacrificing my safety and privacy? How can this new feature be
used against me by computer hackers, or by my government in the future?
We are not saying, nor do we believe that the government is building a
surveillance state, but the more we as consumers embrace this intrusive
technology that continues to whittle away at our privacy, the easier it
will be to construct a surveillance state, should our government have
that ultimate intention.
In this regard we should borrow an old axiom from the intelligence
community used to evaluate threats:
"Intentions mean nothing, capabilities mean everything"
Be responsible
with with your stuff, remember where the heck you put your keys, and you
will never need this tiny, but powerful Orwellian Threat to your
privacy: the "Tile"
We rank the "Tile" as the #2 upcoming threat to personal privacy (Our #1
ranking for upcoming threat to personal privacy is: Non removable
internet connections in an automobile like the Tesla)

Tile App, Now you don't even need to carry a mobile phone for the
NSA to track your movements. Tile uses an always-on Bluetooth®
transmitter that communicates to any nearby Bluetooth® enabled device.
The Tile device with
sealed, self contained battery is specifically designed to use nearby
cell phones and mobile devices as a radio repeaters to get this thing's
location transmitted to the network and subsequently into NSA's data
stream, and it has no on/off switch. Pretty small and easy to sew into
a backpack or jacket, or simply drop into a pocket, or attach to the
undercarriage of a car with double sided tape.
Satellite Navigation Systems (Global
Positioning System) - GPS: its not as bad as you think when it it
comes to privacy.
GPS devices by themselves do NOT constitute a real Time threat
to your privacy, because GPS technology only involves one way
communication from the GPS satellites to your GPS unit. Your GPS unit as
a stand alone device is
only a receiver, it CAN NOT; by it's self transmit your location,
direction and speed of travel. Do keep in mind though: these GPS devices
keep DETAILED FILES of your whereabouts, direction of travel and speed
of travel, all of it; time stamped for easy tracking.
We like the Garmin Nuvi® 52, it is a fine GPS receiver unit, easy to
use, works well, and most importantly does NOT have Bluetooth® built
into it.
Here is where the Real Privacy Threat
is regarding GPS (Sat Nav):
Although GPS technology by itself, (not built into your car or mobile
merely as a stand alone unit such as a Garmin Nuvi® is pretty safe
regarding privacy. However, do not buy a Garmin or any other brand of
GPS unit that has Bluetooth® or FM transmitter, or any other wireless
transmission protocol. The danger in having a Garmin or other GPS device
with Bluetooth® or other transmitter built in is: now with a
transmitter, this device is capable of being accessed remotely, thus
both malicious hacking and real time surveillance now become possible.
Another very important issue regarding Garmin GPS: Map updates, You must
connect your Garmin via as USB cable to an internet connected computer
in order download and install new map updates to your device.
In doing so, your Garmin can now be accessed by the NSA while it is
connected to your computer and the internet. The process of downloading
the new maps, takes nearly an hour, even with the fastest internet
connection; so it's safe to assume that during this file transfer, the
NSA is able to get copies of all your travel information.
We recently (September, 2013) contacted Garmin and asked them if there
was a way to download and install the map updates without connecting our
Garmin to the internet via a USB cable to our computer; they said NO,
and there are no plans for it in the future.
We further inquired how we could get map updates without internet
connectivity. There is a way: you must call Garmin and ask to purchase
the map updates on SD card for about $79 (USD), apparently you must
provide them with your unit's serial number and other personal
This alternate method of updating maps, is not listed on Garmin's
website, and they will not tell you about it unless you ask. We later
asked them directly if they provided our travel data to NSA; they never
answered the question directly, but instead referred us to their privacy
In our opinion: The best way to update your Garmin's maps without
compromising your privacy, is to simply buy a newer model when it is
However, don't pay extra for the model that comes with lifetime maps
that you must compromise your privacy and security in order to
download and install.
Garmin makes several models of GPS unit, usually you can tell very
quickly by the model number suffix "LM" if the unit includes
lifetime maps for example the Garmin Nuvi® 52 and the Garmin Nuvi® 52LM
which is about $20 (USD) more expensive.
One more thing about GPS: ALWAYS avoid purchasing vehicles with built in
navigation systems. Aside from the navigation system becoming outdated
before the rest of the vehicle; privacy is greatly sacrificed with a GPS
system that is integrated into a vehicle. It is much easier to make a
device the size of a mobile phone "disappear", than it is to rip out the
wiring and components of your vehicle to conceal your travel
information; should "Big Brother" come a calling.
Read more about GPS privacy issues here:
Phones by far; Are the Number One present day threat to personal privacy
Cell phones are almost indispensable today. About 50% of the adult
population now carry cell phones, most of those, smart phones, which
contain cameras, internet connectivity, text messaging, GPS and enormous
memory capacity.
The very nature of how a cell phone operates make it an inherent
tracking device: Each phone has a unique digital serial number and
electronic signature that is transmitted nearly constantly to the cell
network, for identification for billing purposes.
The phone automatically accesses several cell towers and selects the one
with the best reception, in doing so; the user's position is
triangulated via signal strength detection, within perhaps 200 feet
(less in urban areas with more cell towers). So even without built in
GPS, a cell phone is a pretty useful tool for tracking people.
Add GPS to a phone, and now your position is able to be tracked and
monitored by the network to within 10 feet. Add a camera and a hands
free microphone which can both be turned on without the user's
knowledge, and now you have a mobile surveillance device carried around
by half the adult population; a real time, global awareness program
monitored by the NSA and other agencies.
But wait! there's more.... use ANY Bluetooth® device within 50 feet of a
cell phone, and the cell phone can act as a
radio signal repeater, with
the capability of picking up ANY Bluetooth® data signal and repeating
that signal to the cell network where it becomes part of NSA's data
stream. This scenario is totally possible and within the operating
capabilities of all smart phones capable of linking to Bluetooth®
6/5/2015 update: Additional info about Bluetooth, IBeacons,
Fitness Monitors and other wearable devices.
Additionally, due to the speed and complexity of the operating system of
a smart phone and the speed of the cellular/ data network, it could be
done without the knowledge of the user; heck, you wouldn't even notice a
drop in internet speed, or any indication whatsoever that this was
Do you really need or want a smart phone? If your answer is NO and you
tried shopping for a basic, no frills, voice only cell phone, you have
probably run into this scenario:
When you go shopping for a new phone, most stores don't even display the
simple cell phones anymore. If you ask, they may have a basic phone in
the back storeroom without internet connectivity, cameras and other non
essential gadgets.
The reason you have to ask the salesperson a phone store to see a basic
model, and the reason these simple phones are not on display is because
the phone companies have no interest in selling you such a basic phone.
They make a lot more money by selling you a phone that is internet
capable because the real money for the phone company is in selling you a
data plan, which most people will exceed, not just basic voice phone
We found a really basic phone it has only basic voice, no data, no text
messaging, no frills or gadget. Although it is still a cell phone, and
will still serve as a de-facto tracking device, it is the least of all
evils when it comes to cell phones; it generates as little "Digital
Exhaust" as is currently possible. The only thing we don't like about it
when it comes to privacy, is there is no way to disconnect the battery
to ensure that it is not tracking you when it is turned off. Although,
this is a fairly simple modification with some basic electronics
knowledge and probably $3.00 worth of electronics parts from
"Johns Phone's" from John
Doe Amsterdam(which
probably has the most horribly designed corporate website we have ever
seen), but which is available here in the United States for
John's Phone Comes in several colors, and is probably the most simple
basic phone you can get.

Not the most well made phone available, but probably the best you can
get from a privacy standpoint.
It might be an interesting modification for those who have the technical
skills; to take one of these phones and build it into a ruggedized case
such as pelican®
0955 Sport Wallet
Smartphones and wireless communications: It's not just about
privacy anymore, it's about your health and well-being. Radio
waves / electromagnetic radiation in the microwave bands (1 Ghz
& higher) are hazardous to your health. This fact was known for
years, but it doesn't get in the way of Telecoms & smartphone
manufactures making money and downplaying the risks.
5G is a particularly dangerous threat as it operates at
frequencies of 28 Ghz, 37 Ghz and may be approved for
frequencies in the 100 Ghz range. Additionally, due to it's
higher energy but reduced useful range, 5G comms systems must be
deployed in closer proximity to users, which means more
transmission towers, closer to more people, increasing exposure
to this harmful radiation.
Warfare Exposed - Declassified Military Doc Proves Smart Phones
Are Killing Mankind
5G - A
Real Terror
Here is an interesting development to follow:
Purim Librem 5 – A
Security and Privacy Focused Phone We can't vouch for it,
but the concept of hard (physical on/off) switches for camera,
microphone, Bluetooth and other components, and an open source
Linux based operating system makes this phone worth watching for
those concerned about their privacy.
Privacy concerns with Digital Cameras:, It's not just
EXIM Metadata, now you need to worry about built in wireless
communications protocols like Bluetooth and WiFi, even in
high-end professional cameras like the
Canon EOS 7D Mark II, Open letter to Canon USA
Apple's fingerprint technology: We
would avoid that like the plague, not only is being compelled to use
your fingerprints for identification every time you want to use your
phone a bad idea for obvious reasons; it has another implication that
most people have not even thought of yet:
Apple's fingerprint technology uses skin resistance measurement, the
same way that a polygraph (lie detector) does. After you use the phone
enough of times Apple and the NSA can start to build a profile on you
and begin to ascertain your emotional state every time you unlock your
phone. For example: if on several occasions a certain skin resistance
reading precedes you writing an angry e-mail or text message, they then
could know what your emotional state is, with pretty high certainty,
without you even typing or speaking a word.
Maybe advertisers will use this "emotional state" information to flash
you advertisements when you are emotionally compromised and in a
vulnerable state and more likely to be taken advantage of by the
advertising. Maybe law enforcement will use this "emotional state"
information as circumstantial evidence, trying to pin a crime on you
that happened in proximity to you and your phone. The questioning might
go something like this: "We know you were at the party where so-and-so
got shot; you were feeling pretty angry at that time, as evidenced by
the skin resistance reading from your iphone; nobody else's iphone
registered them being angry at that party at the time of the shooting;
you are now under arrest; you have the right to remain silent...."
11/6/14 Update:
Notes regarding
NFC signal Blocking
(Near Field Communication - as used in Apple Pay and other point
of sale wireless payment systems)
Blocking of NFC signals by The Dead Zone Bag™ and other Faraday
type products:
It depends on the frequency, but generally no. We tested Dead
Zone Bags™ with
passports and commonly used RF proxy access cards; they do not
for the low frequencies used on these devices.
In fact, any claims that a Faraday cage based product blocks
lower frequencies (lower than 100 mhz.) is very likely
NFC has a very limited effective range; usually about the same
distance as the antenna is long; so in a cell phone, about 6
inches is
the max effective range, although it may be possible to
intercept or
hack the signal up to 35 feet.
NFC is something to be worried about regarding privacy,
especially if
you come within 20 feet of other users of NFC equipped cell
phones and
other devices. (see Bluetooth
Repeater) There is no effective way to block it with a
that is not made from several inches of solid lead; and you
consider not using a device equipped with this technology if you
your privacy.
The extremely fast connection times associated with NFC means
that a signal could be effectively transmitted and received from
a moving vehicle near an automated toll booth, or even a light
pole equipped with a NFC reader. Not much information can be
transmitted in that short time, but certainly enough meta data
to establish the identity of the device's owner, thus
establishing a time stamp of when that individual passed a
certain location.
2/12/14 Update: Secure Computers & software
Segregating your Online & OFFLINE computing activities
for enhanced information security.
Rule # 1. NOTHING that is connected to the
internet is secure.
Even the United States Government, Department of Defense; that
spends more money than the combined Gross Domestic Product of
several small countries; on internet security infrastructure;
can not protect it's internet connected computers from hackers
100% of the time.
What makes you think that your $800 piece of crap computer with
"Gortons internet security suite" or "McLaffee Internet Security
Suite Plus" is going to protect your information from any hacker
with enough skills?
Now granted, you probably don't have information that foreign
governments would literally kill for, on your computer; but if
keeping what information you do have, PRIVATE is important to
you (for whatever reason, or for simply the principle of the
matter), then consider the following:
2/23/15 Update:
Rule #1: Anything on put on a computer, "air
gapped" or not is potentially the "property" of the NSA:
NSA has reportedly compromised the firmware of all the top
brands of hard drives and built in flaws that allow hacking at
the disk controller level. See:
Your hard drives were RIDDLED with NSA SPYWARE for YEARS
USB sticks and other storage media can contain malware, that can
"steal" information from "air gapped" machines and transfer it
to any machine that storage media is connected to. See:
Air gaps: Happy gas for infosec or a noble but inert idea?
Rule #2: Any information on a cell phone
"belongs" to the NSA. Also very likely: as does any conversation
held within "hearing" of a
cell phone's microphone, or anything
in view of a cell phone's camera.
NSA and GCHQ (Britain's equivalent spy agency) have reportedly
stolen the encryption codes used on every SIM card, used on
every cell phone in the world. (This means essentially all
phones; as SIM cards contain phone identification information,
and are built in to all phones, even if the SIM card is not the
removable variety) see:
The Great SIM Heist
Conclusion: If you really want to keep
something private; don't put it on a computerized device or cell
phone, don't discuss it within "hearing" of a computerized
device or cell phone, and don't let it happen in front of the
camera of one of these devices. Do with this knowledge as you
please, but a word to the wise: the NSA has the capability to
take in, and store all of this information indefinitely. So if
you wouldn't say or do something in front of a Federal Agent,
don't say or do it in front of a computerized device or cell
"If you are able to read this text
today, in 2015 or later, without the aid of reading glasses,
your generation will live to see the day when the data gleaned
from your personal electronic devices will be used as evidence
against you in any local or U.S. Criminal Court, without a
warrant, or much less your consent, the same as if you had said
or done the deed in question; right in front of a law
enforcement officer."
Start assessing how you use the your Computers &
Computer Applications.
To each his (or her) own: figure out what programs and
applications absolutely need internet access and which DO NOT!
Obviously, e-mail and web browsing and other web applications
need internet access.
But does your photo editing and video editing software need to
be online? What about your collection of Pictures from your
recent vacation in North Korea or Cuba, or pictures from that
latest Tea Party Rally or Republican fund raiser? Does that
stuff really need to be stored on a computer that can be
compromised? What about your MP3 collection of Hanson, Wham!,
Barry Manilow, and other great music you may keep on your
Computer? Do you want everyone to know what you listen to?
(Note: every media player on the market, free and paid has an
always on call home function that via your internet connection:
tells it's "master" what music and video you watched, when, and
how many times you listed to it or watched a particular
file....Think about that!)
Don't purchase software that can not be installed,
registered, and activated offline, or from a different computer.
Many software manufacturers are now designing their software so
that it can be installed, licensed and registered on computers
without an internet connection. Normally, in addition to a
serial number for the application, they e-mail you a program,
usually a small EXE file that generates a unique hardware ID for
your computer (probably based on your OS serial number / product
key), you send them the hardware ID and they send you back a
registration code that will activate the software for use on
that particular computer only. Thereby they ensure you are not
installing their software on multiple computers without paying
for additional licenses, and you ensure that their software is
not spying on you and calling home to it's "master" via your
internet connection.
For example:
Acronis, makers Acronis True
Image : a really good file and O/S system backup
application, has an excellent offline license activation system
Another excellent offline software activation system is provided
AVS4You, makers of an
excellent suite of Media Conversion Software
They don't actually list the offline activation option on their
website, but if you e-mail them and tell them your computer does
not have internet access you can download their offline
activation HID generator and they will e-mail you back an
activation file to use on the offline computer.
What is all the worry about regarding computer
information security?
Our security concerns revolve around security vulnerabilities
that were allegedly, intentionally built into all of Microsoft's
operating systems, and all widely used Encryption Software
produced by American based manufacturers.
Recently revealed anecdotal evidence from multiple sources
suggest and allege that such security vulnerabilities were
implanted at the behest the U.S. government through the NSA,
into all of Microsoft's products, and all widely used Encryption
tools produced by American based companies.
Obviously, "John Q. Public" does not posses any information that
would be of great importance to NSA; however; such inherent
vulnerabilities in the computer's operating system and
encryption programs could be exploited by other groups and
individuals with financial interests and result in a theft of
financially advantageous information which may be held on the
computer, or information that could be used for blackmail or
other nefarious purposes.
This is why keeping a separate computer or computers that are
never, ever connected to the internet, is an essential part of
information security.
Concerns about radio transceiver devices built into USB flash
drives, USB cables and other USB accessories that are capable of
surreptitiously transmitting data to an attacker; from a
computer that is NOT connected to the internet are also
legitimate; but unlike internet based spying, spying via a radio
transceiver device requires close physical proximity to the
target, possibly 500 meters or less. (however, it is highly
likely that any internet connected, Bluetooth enabled device or
a Smartphone could act as a repeater for radio signals
transmitted by a low power device that could be hidden in a USB
appliance, rendering it's effective range infinite via the
If radio transmitters embedded in USB cables and other computer
appliances is a concern for you,
Gnarly Wraps Hose & Cable
Protectors layered with Stainless Steel Fabric are designed
to fit over cables and provide protection from abrasion &
cutting primarily, but can be ordered with the stainless steel
fabric integrated into them.
This integrated Stainless steel mesh fabric (if properly
grounded) will greatly reduce the effective range of radio
transmissions that may emanate from from the cables due to
inherent RF leakage (naturally common to many types of cables),
as well as RF from possible hidden transmitters, which may
actively transmit signals.
This could be a possible counter measure to NSA's "specially
designed USB Spy Cable" (code named Cottonmouth)
We speculate that this cable has more than one layer of
"shielding" with the external layer being a "fake" un-grounded
metallic layer designed to appear as shielding, but not
grounded, and instead functions as the antenna of the
The "real" shielding for the cable may be contained below the
"fake" shielding and separated by a non conductive layer, so
both the "real" shielding works to prevent RF interference from
affecting the "normal" overt operation of the USB cable, while
the outer "fake" shielding serves the covert operation of the
cable, allowing it to send and receive RF signals at far
greater distances than would be possible if they attempted to
conceal a miniature antenna in the plug end, where presumably
the rest of the electronics for the covert transceiver would
If you use a KVM switch to link Online and Offline
computers, take heed:
If you are going to set up multiple computers and
connect them to a shared Keyboard, Monitor and Mouse, don't use
a KVM switch with USB and/or DVI ports; especially if it
utilizes "hot keys" to switch from one computer to another.
For example: You have your "Dirty" internet connected computer
connected to a digital KVM switch that uses USB for mouse and
keyboard. You have your "Clean" offline computer which is not
hooked up to the internet, using USB for mouse and keyboard, and
also hooked up to the same digital KVM switch. THIS IS AN
Don't do it, and expect that your "clean" offline computer will
stay segregated from from the internet. Two problems here: 1.
USB sends data both ways and 2. your KVM switch is controlled by
your computer which can be compromised. So now you have a USB
data link between these two computers that you can not
physically control.
The Secure Solution:
It may be "Ancient and Clunky" but it still works and it's
secure if used properly.
You may have to shop for new computers with a mother boards that
still have ps2 mouse and keyboard ports, but if information
security is important to you; this is what you need.
A Mechanical KVM switch contains an old style, rotary knob
switch that PHYSICALLY disconnects electrical outputs on
one computer from the monitor, keyboard, mouse BEFORE physically
connecting to another computer, so there is NEVER any possible
data link between one computer and another.
There is no circuitry, no board, no chips, and transistors
inside the box of this KVM switch, just a "Clunky, Old School"
switch and a bunch of soldered wires.

A 4 port Mechanical, analog KVM switch with ps2 mouse & keyboard
and VGA analog video, inside views showing lack of circuit
chips and other logic devices.
4 way version Available from
Funny video:
(but scary when you consider: what patriotism, or the lack of it
may lead to in our Modern American Society)
Internal Patriot Discovery
(in case link does not work
click here for offline version)
"Stepping out of the grid" - Islands of
If privacy, and occasionally "stepping out of the grid" is important to
you consider the following: Many Cell phones made today, have non
removable batteries and therefore continue to transmit radio signals
that communicate with cellular network antennas, located on towers,
buildings and other tall structures.
Shutting off your phone does not prevent it from sending your location
information and other real time data to the phone company / NSA. The
only way to truly prevent your phone from broadcasting this information
in real time is to remove your phone's power source: both the batteries
and the charger. If you are unable to do this because of the design of
your phone: you need to sew a
DIY Faraday Bag
Concerned about your Privacy in the digital age? Support
EPIC is a public
interest research center in Washington, D.C. It was established in 1994
to focus public attention on emerging civil liberties issues and to
protect privacy, the First Amendment, and constitutional values.
American Home & Habitat Inc. is a proud supporter of EPIC: Electronic
Privacy Information Center
This web page entitled "Personal Digital Privacy and Wireless Network
Devices in a Vehicle" and
all of it's content constitutes Social Media please see our
Media Disclaimer
Bluetooth® is a
registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
Nuvi® is a registered trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary
act. - George Orwell 1984
9/24/2020 Update:
Open letter to Lordstown
Motors regarding
All Electric Pickup Truck
My Privacy and Safety are big concerns - Tell me about your
Endurance Pickup
I am interested in your Endurance pickup truck, but my safety
and privacy is a big concern. I Currently drive a *************
which will need to be replaced in 1 - 3 years. I would like to
purchase an American Made Vehicle this time around.
Tell me about the Electronics, Communications and Internet
Connectivity of this vehicle.
Will I be able to order a "stripped down" version without any
non-removable internet connectivity?
What about opting out of satellite communications like GM's
What about opting out of any and all physically non-removable
information storage and transceiver modules?
I had this same issue a few years ago with Tesla & Elon Musk.
See my website and related social media posts:
Also... I have a proposal to further encourage the return of
manufacturing to the United States. See: The Right to
Manufacture in America Act
